Iva’s Speech and Debate journey: from joining BEST to competing in the USA

A new year often comes with new goals in mind. But to achieve them motivation is one of the key needed factors. Today we’re sharing the inspiring journey of one of our BEST community members, Iva Petrova, who is currently an exchange student in the USA. Read down below what she shared with us about her experience as both a competitor here in Bulgaria, as well as in her current home Platte City!

Tell us briefly who you are!

My name is Iva Petrova and I am from Svishtov, Bulgaria. I am currently enrolled in both FLHS "Ekzarch Yosif I" in Lovech and "PCHS" in Platte City, U.S.

What is your history with BEST? 

I decided to join the BEST team in my school to make many new friends and try to overcome my stage fright. I have been competing at BEST tournaments since 2020 in Poetry and Prose. I was one of the two SLs of team Lovech last year.

We've heard you're on an exchange in the USA, how did that come about? 

I heard about my exchange program when I was in 8th grade and was really excited to apply and go through the process of making one of my dreams come true - going to the United States. I am a free spirit and I can't stay in one place for a long time. That is actually the reason why I applied for high school in Lovech in the first place. I was a semi-finalist the first time I applied, but didn't advance to finals, so I tried again and here I am! 

You also recently won first place at a Speech and Debate competition! First of all, congratulations! Could you tell us a bit about that experience? 

For me just going to MSHSAA (Missouri State High School Activities Association) and NSDA (National Speech and Debate Association) tournaments here in the U.S. is a big experience - meeting lots of people and competing in my second language has taught me that I should be confident in my performing skills. I have attended 5 tournaments and at 4 of them I was on stage, receiving an award! The feeling of achievement is really strong, but the love for my team is even stronger!

What are some things you're loving about the USA? 

I love my host family - I have my 3 amazing host sisters and a pair of really supportive host parents! I also love my host school, because this year they have decided to enroll 6 foreign exchange students, which gives everyone the opportunity to make friends from all around the world and to learn more about their culture. I love how my peers and teachers ask me about Bulgaria, my culture and personal questions! That's a secret, but I am obsessed with my host family's French Toast.

Any potential piece of advice to our BESTIEs that might also want to do something similar to you? 

To all my BESTies - try competing in every event. By doing both interpretations and debate you will experience different aspects of public speaking and you will meet a lot more people! For the SLs - I know how hard a person can be on themselves when their teammates do not qualify for finals or nationals. Do NOT be hard on yourself - as an SL you are always providing help and strength to them, which is a great thing and not a lot of people can do that! Keep trying to improve the team and just try to have as much fun as you can! Oh, and also don't write your Community Project Proposal the last day before the deadline.

BEST Foundation