We are BESTies.  We carry the responsibility of expressing ourselves thoughtfully and listening to others.  We seek to amplify BESTies’ voices so that the world can benefit from a community filled with meaningful, passionate, and diverse perspectives.  BEST participants commit to sportsmanship, community, humility, leadership, and service.


A BESTie who embodies true sportsmanship is respectful of their competitors, accepts wins and losses with equal dignity, and above all, never places the value of a prize over the value of basic respect for our fellow competitors, or for ourselves as constant works-in-progress.


Each individual member of the BEST community makes up an important, vital part of a larger whole. Our community is diverse, and it is inclusive of all those who seek to create, to think deeply, and to grow as individuals. We are open to any and all who seek to join our community, and we are thankful for each BESTies’ contributions to our community.


BESTies do not regard themselves more highly than others.  Regardless of trophies earned, competitions won, or grades received, BESTies always look beyond themselves to appreciate and celebrate the inherent value of others.  We openly and authentically show appreciation for the efforts of each member of the BEST family to make BEST tournaments the best they can be.


BESTies show leadership not only in decisive words, but also in meaningful action. We recognize that there is not only one “right” way to be a leader. However, true leaders share a sense of integrity, commitment to equity and excellence, and a desire to help others be their best selves. By reflecting on their unique leadership style, living with purpose, and serving as role models for other BESTies and in their communities, BEST participants can inspire others to make the world a better place.


BESTies employ their hard-earned skills and talents to serve to their peers, schools, and communities.  BESTies welcome the opportunities for service and relish the work that allows them to work constructively and collaboratively to serve Bulgaria and the world.