This is the Tournament Portal for our 2023 National Tournament which will be held at the University of National and World Economy in Sofia on April 27th and 28th 2024.
Registration deadline - CLOSED
Participants should complete all the necessary documents and upload them to their Team folder by the 29th of March. Please, don’t wait until the last moment. Especially important is to fill out the Team Roster indicating the exact arrival and departure time and date of all participants from your team.
Transfer your registration fees (25 per student) to the BEST bank account mentioning the school’s name and town in the “основание” until 29.03.2024.
You can apply for a travel scholarship (if your school is not covering your travel) by clicking here. This should be done by the 29th of March. Find a suitable chaperone (must be aged 18 or over and be able to speak fluent Bulgarian). BEST covers travel by train and accommodation for 1-night costs for up to one chaperone per team.
We are always welcoming new judges who are passionate about helping the students to realize their full potential. If you would like to judge at the National Tournament, please, sign up here. BEST is covering a one-night hotel stay for all judges who are not from Sofia and is providing lunch and drinks for them at the tournament venue. In order to judge at BEST tournaments, you should have at least C1 English language skills.
BEST reserves hotel rooms for each team but DOES NOT cover the accommodation cost. BEST commits to negotiating accommodation costs at or under 40 BGN per student per night. This does not apply for single rooms. If you require to be accommodated in a single room, the price per night might be double, depending on the hotel.
Debate Motions
Prepared Motions
THR the normalization of cosmetic procedures.
Info slide: cosmetic procedures - medical procedures - tattoos, nosejob, plastic surgery etc.
THBT Bulgaria joining the Eurozone will do more harm than good in the medium-term.
Info slide: "For the purposes of this motion, the medium-term is considered as the period of time between two and eight years after joining the Eurozone."
THW ban polls before elections
Impromptu Hints
Saturday, Apr 27, 2024
08:45 - Team Check-in
08:50 - Volunteer Training // Judge Q+A
09:15 - SL Meeting
09:50 - Opening Ceremony
11:15 - Round 1 Flight A: Oratory, Prose, and Duo
12:45 - Round 1 Flight B: Poetry and Debate (Prepared)
14:00 - Lunch
14:45 - Round 2 Flight A: Oratory, Prose, and Duo
15:30 - Reimbursement for Team Scholarships and Travel Chaperones (1 hour)
16:00 - Round 2 Flight B: Poetry and Impromptu Debate Motion Released (45 min. of prep)
16:45 - Round 2 Debate start time
18:15 - Quarterfinals: Prose; Semifinals: Duo, Oratory
19:30 - Round 3: Debate (Prepared); Quarterfinals: Poetry
Sunday, Apr 28, 2024
08:15 - Judges report time
08:30 - Semifinals: Prose; Check-in for Debaters
09:00 - Round 4: Debate (Prepared)
09:30 - Semifinals: Poetry
10:00 - Reimbursement for Judges (1 hour)
10:30 - Finals: Oratory, Prose, and Duo
11:00 - Debate Motion Released (Impromptu w/ 1 hour of prep)
11:30 - Finals: Poetry
12:00 - Finals Debate start time
14:15 - Closing Ceremony
15:45 - Departures